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Anxiously please master expert to analyze

Author: Time:2021-12-22112 second

Information summary:  This is the case. I just entered the two black vest clowns, about 1cm in size. I have been swimming with the larger clown in my tank for a long time before I ...., August 11th Video, plate的音标怎么写.Anxiously please master expert to analyze

  This is the case. I just entered the two black vest clowns, about 1cm in size. I have been swimming with the larger clown in my tank for a long time before I entered the tank. Less than 5 minutes later, the clown in the tank pulled sideways.After two hits, I wouldnt care anymore. When I came back to feed at night, I didnt eat for two days. I still didnt eat. I just separated the two clownfish I just entered. What should I do now?Is there something wrong with these two new ones?The old fish that made me do not eat now, it used to be granules!Very speechless now
=======The following are Yuyou comments=======
lihoujia Comment: It should be adapted to each others environment
Sunshine Comment: Well now, there are no such symptoms!Why is this
lihoujia Comment: It should be a cross-infection due to water problems
lihoujia Comment: It should be a cross-infection due to water problems
Sunshine Comment: This is the baby fish!Only 1CM big point
Sunshine Comment: This is the baby fish!Only 1CM big point
花开#花谢 Comment: Austrian black is not so dark
Its getting dark. Comment: Dont worry, just observe, you wont die if you dont eat pellets for a day
Liu Xingjun Comment: Good sea water
Liu Xingjun Comment: Beautiful sea wateralbino arowanaCan Arowana be mixed with spades a!Large spade a fish pictures%Parrot fish polyculture"Spade a fish pictures&What are the benefits of spade a fish(Tropical fish guppy polyculture video?Success rate of polyculture of three dragon fish/Can albino rocket fish be mixed with arowana# Ticino Fish!Anxiously please master expert to analyze。